Sildamax 100 mg pill is a strength of the medicine Sildenafil citrate, which is marketed under the trade name Sildamax and is used to treat erectile dysfunction in males.
Sildamax 50 mg, Sildamax 150 mg, Sildamax 200 mg, and Sildamax 300 mg are also available for therapy, in addition to Sildamax 100 mg. It is an oral medication that comes in the shape of a tablet that you take with water to cure erectile dysfunction for roughly 4 hours.
Sildamax 100 mg pill is frequently given for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in males, which is the most common sexual problem in men.
When a guy has this sexual dysfunction, he may have trouble getting erections or his erections may be weaker. In certain cases of erectile dysfunction, a man is unable to increase his sexual drive while progressively lowering it.
Sildamax 100 mg tablet treats this problem by allowing a man to have erections in the presence of preceding sexual arousal and if the condition is caused by blood vessel constriction, poor blood circulation, or inadequate nitric oxide production.
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